Thursday, December 12, 2013

Karma and Reincarnation

Both Karma and Reincarnation are a fundamental belief in Buddhism.  Below are my definitions.

Reincarnation -  Rebirth.  Unlike Christian believes where after a person dies they go to heaven or hell, reincarnation is where the cycle of life that takes a soul out of a dead body into another form back to earth.  The point of Reincarnation is not to live over and over again on earth, but to go back and relearn the lesson that wasn't learned, to change the negative feelings such as regret, sorrow, hurt, in the previous lifetime.  And Karma ties with reincarnation as it dictate what lessons you need to learn, therefore in where and what environment you need to be living in to learn it best.  

Karma - Karma is the law of moral causation.  To simplify based on a western philosophy, it is best defined by fate that is a result of good or bad actions.  If you do good then your fate is good and the result of an event(s) is positive where life is easier to navigate, but if you did bad then fate needs to take you through a rough patches so you can learn a lesson from it.  Karma is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings.  It teach us we ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate.
The result of our own past actions and our own present doings. We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate. 

In Karmic ties between friendship and relationship, a strong bond is formed to either work together on an issue where the reincarnated souls need to resolve, or to work together to bring about something.  Because the result of Karma can be bad or good, It is very easy to classify bad Karma as negative in today's Christian beliefs, and that is wrong.  In fact people can learn more from bad Karma than good, since it is so strong.  No Karma is negative, it is just lessons that needs to be learned and levels to reach.  It is almost like a video game, with the ultimate goal for your souls to come in perfection.  

The difference between a regular friendship/relationship and a Karmic friendship/relationship is that there is a stronger connection, almost like a "knock on the head" type of connection, where you feel close to that person even you are in opposite direction in room full of people.  Those relationships are meant to help both of you. 
You can have Karmic Ties with any of the following people in your life:

Your Dry Cleaning Lady, grocery store clerk, mailman, deliver boy, etc. 

As you can see you can have Karmic Relationship with just about anyone.  You can even have Karmic relationship with your pets.  When I went to Pets Mart to adopt a cat after my previous cat died, I picked a "Garfield" look alike cat named Joey without any hesitation.  And he has stayed by my side since, sleeping on my bed, be there when I get scared or needed comfort.  He is still an adult in cat years, but the thought of him getting old and die brings on a anxiety and sadness only a human child could have create - to me without a doubt is a karmic relationship. 

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